Friday, November 12, 2010

The Beginnings...

Here we go... post number one for this amazing event.

Back in late Spring 2010, faculty at our College of Education learned of an endowment opportunity being offered, and Dr. Jody Fernandez decided to combine forces and apply for it. Our idea was to pursue literacy education, middle grades education, and international education through a study of New Zealand's education system. We applied to study and visit schools and universities in New Zealand, and to take an undergraduate with us on the trip. The deciding body liked our application, but wanted us to take TWO undergraduates. We were excited about that (once they told us that they'd fund it), and agreed to the change. We were then awarded the endowed professorship.

In August, we worked on an application process and posted it very early in the semester. We had some excellent applications and had a tough job trying to choose our fellows. We held interviews and eventually chose two young ladies, Kelli and Brittany. Their job is to work with us on the research and to accompany us to New Zealand in March/April 2011.

We have all been working very hard on this project, and when I am tempted to look ahead and become overwhelmed at what is still to be done, I look back and reflect over what HAS been achieved. Amongst the four of us, we now have our passports under control, have formed a team, have contacted more than 25 schools in New Zealand, and a fair number in Kentucky, have contacted (successfully) three universities in New Zealand, have ordered our technology gear, and have made inroads on how some of the finances will work.

With regard to research, we have a very good base line of articles and government documents covering standards, curriculum, reading, and the education system and are still looking. We have a BlackBoard site set up and active, and we're all beginning blogs this week.

So, with that background given, I have to say that I am so excited about this research. I've been excited since about June, and the feeling has not subsided. I'm thrilled to be able to see three people respond and react to what they learn and see with regard to New Zealand, and I'm so looking forward to seeing what's changed in NZ over the past 10 years (since I left). I think it will be really interesting looking at things through eyes which have now been exposed to a very different system - I wonder what I'll think?

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