Friday, November 19, 2010

Continuing Research

Brittany and I met today to go over the emails she's received and to plan what to do next. We have about 5 schools so far that seem to have interesting interventions, so we'll work out a way to contact those schools via phone or Skype in the near future. There are still quite a few schools that we're waiting to hear from, so I hope we do so soon! I'd like to get the list more stable so that we can plan visits.

We made one phone call the other day to a principal in Auckland. She was really very helpful and informative. It was quite odd listening to a New Zealand accent. I guess I'm just so used to hearing American ones now that hearing someone from my "home pad" is very novel! She spoke about an assessment system called AsTTle, and I took the time to do some initial research into it. I think it looks exceptionally interesting, and I'm looking forward to seeing it in action.

(As far as my own personal reading goes, I'm currently reading "The Same River Twice" by Alice Walker - her story about how it felt to have "The Color Purple" made into a film)

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