Sunday, January 30, 2011

Another Phone Call... and Air New Zealand

We called Carolyn from Koru School on Thursday. Brittany has written an excellent summary of the call if you're interested in specific details. I enjoyed the call; it was interesting listening to the way reading is approached in Koru, and Carolyn really had a great grasp of the overall reading plan. I am really looking forward to meeting her in person and seeing the school.

I have booked our tickets from Auckland to Christchurch (Air New Zealand), Christchurch to Wellington (Tranzrail) and Wellington to Auckland (Air New Zealand). However, I have to say I am enormously peeved off at Air New Zealand right now. Through chance, I learned that they may have changed their baggage policies, so I looked it up. Sure enough, only ONE bag allowed (for checkin). I checked United and Qantas to see if they had changed, but no, they still have TWO bags. Further, ANZ has changed our seats! I looked at them yesterday, and Kelli and Brittany were relocated across the plane. I reorganized them, then called ANZ. Most unhelpful. Apparently, if you book together, you HAVE to sit together. Side-by-side - or else you're manually moved. It doesn't explain why Kelli and Brittany, who were side by side on the return trip from Auckland to LAX were moved elsewhere (away from a window). I have to say, I was rather annoyed, and let ANZ know both in the phone call AND in an email I sent. They changed the policy in late May, apparently, but didn't see fit to make any big announcement or anything. Oh well, we'll enjoy our flight because it'll be the last ANZ one for me!

(Off Soap Box now). Six and a half weeks to go now! Things are firming up nicely. This coming week we'll be focused on the presentation Brittany and Kelli are making at Posters-at-the-Capitol next week. Should be a good day.

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