Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Airline seats

A short note... through dogged determinedness, I now have Kelli and Brittany sitting side-by-side at a window on the return trip (Auckland to LAX). I know this probably sounds really silly, but I feel like going outside and yelling YES!!!!!!!!!!! now. Perhaps I will! :-)

(For those newly following the blogs, we've had our seats moved around, and in spite of calling ANZ, they told us that this was their policy and that basically, we had to just accept it. I was pretty annoyed at this, and have been periodically checking our seats to see if I could make some changes. This change may be unchanged for all I know, but at least I tried!).

It seems as if some schools in Christchurch have reopened, but with more play time built into the day. The idea is to allow the kids to have time to simply enjoy each others' company. I think that's a great idea. One school had a gumboot throwing competition after lunch on the first day with the principal kicking it off (oops, bad pun!).

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