Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We're into March!!!

On Monday, it hit me that we were in March. MARCH! Suddenly, I felt the weight of the whole research trip on my shoulders! Today marks the two-week-to-go mark. We're now down to the details part - exactly how to get to the airport, where we'll meet... that sort of thing.

I have made the links to our blogs available to both EDMG 306 classes, so I'm really looking forward to seeing some interaction take place with questions flying. I have really high hopes that this will be an amazing learning experience for everyone concerned, including those still studying in Kentucky!

Greg has most of the finances available, so I'll be gathering up the Visa cards and travellers' checks soon. I am looking forward to having everything together in one place (MY place! LOL). I read that the New Zealand dollar dropped this morning due to the reserve bank possibly deciding to lower interest rates (following the Christchurch earthquake). This is good news for us as our money will be worth more.

That's about all for now. :-)

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