Sunday, March 20, 2011

First Sunday

Today was an extraordinarily busy day. We began by driving into town and heading up to the restaurant in the Sky Tower. This restaurant revolves so that in about an hour you see an amazing panoramic view of Auckland. While you're revolving, you get to eat! :-) I had scallops and snapper, and it was VERY GOOD!

After brunch we all trouped off with Kelli to watch her go through her bungee jump effort. First, she dressed up in the jump suit, and then she was all strapped up. At this point, she was led away. The person who took her away soon returned and led us all to the landing spot. I looked up, and suddenly the jump seemed very high indeed! One person jumped, then it was Kelli's turn. She waved into the camera at the top, even though she couldn't see us, and it was really cute to watch Robert wave back to the camera from the ground! Then we saw a small body leaning over the jumping block. There was a countdown, and then she fell. I think we all gasped or something at the same time. She sort of hung in the air for a bit, then suddenly, and very very quickly, she dropped to the ground. I tried to get photos, but I haven't yet looked at them.

We then walked down to the wharves and caught the Devonport Ferry across to Devonport where we spent a couple of hours looking at the shops. There were quite a few interesting ones almost all small specialty stores (and thus rather expensive) and Jody and Kelli both bought a couple of things.

At quarter to four we rode the ferry back, trudged back up to the Sky Tower and retrieved our car from the parking lot. I think everyone was pretty tired by this stage, so the journey home was reasonably quiet.

We were home about half an hour when my sister and I left again to visit with my auntie. My cousin's wife had cooked some delicious Thai food (she's Thai) and had left some for us, so we ate as we visited. My cousin David and his wife and three children were there, so it was a nice family time. The funeral is tomorrow, and we talked a little about it. I still don't really know what I'm going to say, but my auntie would like me to speak (and I really would like to say something) so I will do it. I just hope I come up with something I'll be happy about. We were supposed to stay about an hour and a half, but it turned into three and a half hours. I'm about to go to bed, but I figured I'd never hear the end of it if I missed a day in my blog, so here I am! :-)

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