Thursday, March 17, 2011

In New Zealand At Last!

It's Friday evening, and I'm sitting in my sister's living room listening to her and typing this. I am so tired! I haven't slept for about 48 hours - I really wish I could sleep on planes! I am sure the others will tell you all about our flights, so I'll just focus on a few things.

We left Lexington a few minutes late, and after a problem with my ticket (we vbelieve the lady at the ticket counter actually messed it up) - which was fixed thanks to my iphone! Of course, when we were IN Lexington, someone discovered that they were wearing one running-type shoe and one scuff-type shoe. Completely different colors! Let me tell you, you CANNOT BUY SHOES at Lexington, Chicago, OR Los Angeles Airports! :-(

We arrived this morning, and we were met by my sister, Bryony, and the rental car people who set us up with a van for the duration. Then we drove on to her place (and I managed to stay on the left side all the way!) where I immediately dived into the shower.

Next, Bryony and I went to my Aunt's place. My uncle died two days ago, and he is at my aunt's place. It was very sad because I was SO hoping to see him when I got here. However, my cousins and many of their children were there, so it was a really lovely family type experience (apart from the sadness of it all). I guess if my Uncle Eric could not live long enough to see me again, at least I get to visit and attend the funeral.

Bryony and I bought ham, tomatoes, bread, and hot cross buns which sereved as lunch for everyone. While I was gone, they'd showered and freshened up (even thoiugh they all slept on the plane!!!). The girls and Jody were introduced to Feijoas, which they really liked (Bryony has a couple of trees laden with them so there's no shortage!).

Close to two pm we drove to Patumahoe School where we met the principal and a few teachers, and collected Sofya and Robert (my neice and nephew). Off to a shoe store we went, where I decided to be radical and buy two shoes that actually match!!! Haha! We hit a computer store to get a router (so we can all use our laptops) and a sim card for Brittany. Then it was off to the food store where we got a few supplies, including a bunch of mussels which Martin (Bryony's husband) cooked. I got to take photos of Brittany, Kelli, and jody being initiated into the true kiwi method of shellfish eating!

Now, as I type, Kelli is playing Cranium Junior with Sofya and Robert, and Brittany is engaged in chat with Martin about earthquakes. Jody is reading email, I think. After dinner, I'll be crashing!!!!!

Will try and write again sooner now that we have the router up and running.

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