Friday, February 4, 2011


I think we've almost finished with the major finances for this project - at least for the first part. We seem to be keeping nicely to the budget, but Greg will probably let me know today. I'll feel as if at least one weight has been lifted off my back once this is done. Greg has been an amazing help to us, and I'm so grateful the Dean put him on this task (of helping us). Once the final set of payments come through, all we'll need to do is gather gifts for those who are helping us with our work. I'm thinking that perhaps some of our representatives may have small flags or pins, so we'll ask Kelli and Brittany to follow that up.

Our second laptop still has not arrived, so we've decided that we're going to order our other equipment (part 2 of the grant) ourselves and get reimbursement. It should be a LOT faster. Only 5 weeks and 5 days to go... next month, in fact. Time is flying!

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