Thursday, February 17, 2011


Just a brief update on the gift situation. Today I called Kem Tackett, and she was able to give us a bag of MSU pins (looks like maybe 250, unless the packaging was reused!). Jody and I took the laptop down to get fixed up, and I got a call this afternoon to say it was ready. We also stopped by the bookstore and talked to one of the ladies there about gifts. We left a note for the person in charge of ... gifts? ... and hopefully she will contact us soon. We saw some banners and triangular flags things that look good, and we're hoping we can get them at a bit of a reduced price.

I sorted out the caravan payment today, so we don't have to worry about that until we get there. I also emailed the lady in charge of the flat in Karori to let her know when we'd be arriving (and to see if there are sheets and blankets available - that thought occured to me recently! Had visions of having to buy sheets and other bedding! Got to set that fear at rest or I'll keep worrying!). I emailed Brittany today to ask her to email the schools (not the universities) to remind them when we're coming and to ask a few questions. I'll be getting on to the universities shortly.

I don't know if I mentioned this already, but the Hobbit is going to start being filmed next month. On our way to and from Rotorua we'll be passing through Matamata which is where Hobbiton has been built! They're presently giving tours, but those will stop on March 18 (which is when I presume filiming is going to start). Nevertheless, I hope we get to see SOMETHING as we pass through! :-)

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