Monday, February 21, 2011

Three weeks two days to go...

Well, we had our singing meeting on Friday. Not sure what to say about it other than there's tremendous scope for improvement there! :-) I have contacted Becki Alfrey, and she is going to help us! Yay!

On another note, we had news on Friday that our agreed financial plan has now been "disagreed" and we're possibly back to square one. Greg organized a meeting with Cathy for Monday (today), but when I arrived, I found out the problem is probably fixed. I'm tremendously glad about that because I had a very bad weekend as a result of the worry! On a related note, we were told we needed to fill in travel forms, so I made a best attempt today. I think I need to go to accounting school. I can't get the information for our overseas trip to fit into the neat little USA trip boxes. I ended up filling it in the best I could and delivering it to Virginia who said she'd look at it. I'm sure glad there are people around here who know what they're doing, because sometimes I feel like I'm swimming up a waterfall!

On a more positive note, my sister called yesterday, and we had a long chat about the forthcoming visit. I have to keep my eyes on the goal rather than sink in the mire of paperwork, so it was good to chat. She has all these plans for what we can do in our "down time" although, as she rightly pointed out, we don't have much (I think I may have overfilled our schedule :-(). She's found us a good deal with accommodation, so I think we'll be saving money there, and let me know that they've just had a cow slaughtered, so we'll have some good meat!

I am currently making sure that all our university contacts are prepared for our visit, then I'll be looking at making a literacy checklist for our classroom visits. I may need to delegate this task though! :-)

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