Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Kelli and I met yesterday to work on the finishing touches to the poster that she and Brittany are presenting in Frankfort on Thursday. The finished product looks really good, and I'm sure it will spark interest with educators. We're going to have a handout with the full chart that Kelli created because it simply would not fit onto the poster! We decided to display a selection of the interventions and have the rest available to interested parties. One thing that has stood out to me as we've all gone through this poster-making experience is how much of this research is now "owned" by Kelli and Brittany. That is truly a great thing to see. I am confident that they will be able to answer all but the most technical questions, and answer them well (and as a side note, I doubt too many people will even ponder the thought of asking extremely technical questions!).

I received confirmation from one more elementary school, so I believe we've heard from all but one school now. Since I haven't heard a single peep from the one remaining school (after four emails), I think it's safe to consider that school "dead in the water" so to speak. That's ok though, because it'll be nice to have an unplanned day in the itinerary. We can use it to revisit a school, spend time working on what we've collected up until that point, or simply take a day out to rest.

I think my next task is to book us some ground transportation so that we can get to all these schools! :-) I'll do that today, after returning from having a tetanus shot (ouch) and getting some new contact lenses (yay) - all this in preparation for this great trip that's only 5 weeks and 1 day away now! Eeep!

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