Friday, February 11, 2011

Post Posters-at-the-Capitol

Today it seemed everyone was exhausted. Jody was losing her voice, Brittany looked as if she'd been run over by a train, and I was having trouble staying fully awake. The only one who looked at all fresh and perky was Kelli. We're going to have to nominate her as our spokesperson when we're all tired! :-)

We all met today and completed a couple of really important tasks. We got the folders organized (to leave at various places such as International Studies and the Dean's office (we put in copies of our itineraries, copies of ID such as passports and university id cards, and copies of tickets, as well as information about our insurance and some contact numbers and addresses). It was a fiddly job, and Kelli did it well.

Brittany and I finished off the schedule. There probably are more things we could add, but right now we have all the schools, along with addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, placed in whichever day we're going to see them, and we've put in any other things we know we're going to do. It's pretty well completed. Now we just need to contact all the schools again and ask about times to meet, check again about permissions for photos and videos, and ask if there's anything we should bring/do etc... Probably wouldn't hurt to ask about lunch plans too.

I played a little with the new camera. I think it's going to be a lot of fun, and I also think we're going to get a lot of really nice shots. I'm going to have to remember to take lots and lots of photos though. I tend to take one or two only, and that can be bad if they both blur or are otherwise not too good.

I'm going to try and attach some photos from yesterday's Posters-at-the-Capitol, but I'm writing from home and my Internet is seriously misbehaving... so I'm not sure if it's work!

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